姓名:何新华(Xinhua He)
2024年– 四川农业大学外籍特聘教授,西澳大利亚大学/加州大学戴维斯分校教授
研究领域:15N和13C稳定同位素应用、植物-有益微生物-土壤相互作用、植物与土壤响应CO2变化及农林地力提升等。Research interest:Application of15N/13C stable isotopesandDNA-SIP/nanoSIMS;Mycorrhizal networks andinterplantnutrient movement; Nutrient use efficiency in C3and C4plants;Plant-microbe-soil interactions;Plantandsoil responsesto elevated CO2;Improvement of agricultureand forest soil fertility;etc..
课程教学:Soil Fertility and Ecology、稳定同位素在生态学中应用、科学研究论文撰写
先后主持或主研中国国家基金委和国家重点研发、澳大利亚国家研究委员会和联邦教育科学与培训部、加拿大国家研究委员会和科学与工程研究理事会、美国国家基金委和农业部以及日本学术振兴会等科研课题20余项。在中国科学:生命科学,科学通报,Appl Catal B-Environ Energy, Curr Biol, GCB, Nature Commun, Nature Geosci, New Phytol, Plant Cell,PNAS,SBB, TREE, TRPL等发表论著280余篇, h-指数59,被引>1.1万余次,连年入选美国斯坦福大学“全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单”。目前担任Plant&Soil(2007-)、FrontiersinPlantScience(2020-)和Plants(2021-)领域编辑,Soil Research(2019-副主编);曾任Journal of Agriculture&Food Research副主编/主编(2021-2023),已组织或共同组织发表8个专刊。定期/不定期为澳大利亚(ARC、GRDC)、加拿大(NSERC)、英国(BBSRC sLoLa)、美国(NSF、USDA)、欧盟、非盟、沙特、中国等基金会与院校审评科研项目、教授晋升、博士学位和100余种英文期刊论文。受邀150余次国内外大会和专题报告(如哈佛大学、北京大学、中国科学院/农科院/林科院10余个研究所、世界土壤大会、稳定同位素生态应用国际大会、国际菌根大会、国际小麦大会、美国生态/农学/土壤/作物学会等),主持或共同主持了15个国际学术专题/大会。
1.ZhouZH,WangCK, Li Y, Wang XH,He XH, Xu MG*, Cai AD*.2025.Carbon gain in upper but loss in deeper cropland soils across China over the last four decades.PNAS122:e2422371122(doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2422371122).
2.Fu YY, Luo Y*, Qi JJ,He XH, Zhang HQ, Guggenberger G, Xu JM.2024. Shift of microbial taxa and metabolisms relying on carbon sources of rhizodeposits and straw ofZea maysL.Soil Biology & Biochemistry198: 109578 (doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2024.109578).
3.Gao WC, Dai DC, Huan Luo1, Yu DL, Liu CC, Zhang N, Liu L, You CM, Zhou SX, Tu LH, Liu Y, Huang CD,He XH*, Cui XL*. 2024. Habitat differentiation and environmental adaptability contribute to leaf size variations globally in C3and C4grasses.Science of the Total Environment986: 173309 (doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.173309).
4.Wang BL, Dai DC, Yu DL, WC Gao, Feng J, Zhou SX, Liu Y, Tu LH, Cao DY, Huang CD,He XH, Cui XL*.2024. The variation in climate conditions and fire-related traits acrossPinus(Pinaceae) species.Global Ecology and Conservation54: e03152 (doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2024.e03152).
5.Wang L, Jiang H, Zhang J,He XH, Li FF*, Feng J*, Pan B.2024.Identifying the photoproduction sites of reactive oxygen species in dissolved black carbon: A remarkable role of oxygenated functional groups.Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy351: 123921 (doi.org/10.1016/j.apcatb.2024.123921).
6.Yuan J, Yan R, Zhang XQ, SuK, Liu H, Wei X, Wang R, Huang LL, Tang NW, Wan SP, Liu W, Lambers H,He XH*, Yu FQ*, Wang YL*.2024. Soil organic phosphorus is mainly hydrolyzed via phosphatases from ectomycorrhiza-associated bacteria rather than ectomycorrhizal fungi.Plant Soil499: (doi.org/10.1007/s11104-024-06649-z).
7.Li ZS, Meng S, Qin FC, Wang SK, Liang JF,He XH, Lu JK*.2023. Host root exudates initiate a foraging preference by the root parasiteSantalum album.Tree Physiology43: 304–314 (doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpac116).
8.Liu XJ, Lie ZY, Reich P, Zhou GY, Yan JH, Huang WJ, Wang YP, Penuelas J, Tissue D, Zhao MD, Wu T, Wu DH, Xu WF, Lin Y, Tang XL, Zhou SYD, Meng Z,Zhang DQ,He XH, Liu JX*.2023. Long-term warming increased carbon sequestration capacity in a humid tropical forest.Global Change Biology30:e17072(doi.org/10.1111/gcb.17072).
9.Luo X, Liu YN, Li SY,He XH*. 2023. Interplant carbon and nitrogen transfers mediated by common arbuscular mycorrhizal networks: Beneficial pathways for system functionality.Frontiers in Plant Science14: 1169310 (doi:10.3389/fpls.2023.1169310).
10.Wei HB, Song Z, Xie YR, Cheng HL, Yan HT, Sun F, Liu HJ, Shen JL, Li LGHe XH, Wang HY, Luo KM*.2023. High temperature inhibits vascular development via the PIF4-miR166-HB15 module inArabidopsis.Current Biology33: 1–12 (doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2023.06.049).
11.Yu GC, Chen J, Yu MX, Li AD, Wang YP,He XH, Tang XL, Liu H, Jiang J, Mo JM, Zhang S, Yan JH*, Zheng MH*.2023. Eighteen-year nitrogen addition does not increase plant phosphorus demand in a nitrogen-saturated tropical forest.Journal of Ecology(doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.14118).
12.Yu ZJ,He XH, Li ZT, Zhou SA, Guo DL, Pu H, Luo HY*.2023.Anammox bacterial abundance and diversity in different temperatures ofpurple paddy soils by13C-DNA stable-isotope probingcombined with high-throughput sequencing.Frontiers in Microbiology(doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2023.1098681).
13.Hu J, Su HL, Cao H, Wei HB, Fu XK, Jiang XM, Song Q,He XH, Xu CZ, Luo KM*.2022. AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR7 integrates gibberellin and auxin signaling via interactions between DELLA and AUX/IAA proteins to regulate cambial activity in poplar.The Plant Cell34: 2688-2707 (doi.org/10.1093/plcell/koac107).
14.Lie ZY, Zhou GY, Huang WJ, Kadowaki K, Tissue DT, Yan JH, Peñuelas J, Sardans J, Li YL, Liu ZH, Chu GW, Meng Z,He XH, Liu JX*.2022. Warming drives sustained plant phosphorus demand in a humid tropical forest.Global Change Biology28:4085-96(doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16194).
15.Shi WY, Xu MG*,He XH*.2022. Plant-microbe-soil interactions in a vulnerable ecosystem: promising re-vegetation approaches to slow down rocky karst desertification.Plant Soil475: 1–4 (Editorial,doi.org/10.1007/s11104-022-05478-2).
16.Jeewani PH, Luo Y*, Yu GH, Fu YY,He XH, Zwieten L, Liang C, Kumar A, He Y, Kuzyakov Y, Qin H, Guggenberger G, Xu JM.2021. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and goethite promote carbon sequestration via hyphal-aggregate mineral interactions.Soil Biology & Biochemistry162: 108417(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2021.108417).
17.Luo X, Shi SM, Liu YN, Yang HJ, Li NN, Dong ZX, Zhu B*,He XH*.2021.Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities of topsoil and subsoil of an annual maize-wheat rotation after 15-years of differential mineral and organic fertilization.Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment315: 107442 (doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2021.107442).
18.Schnepf A,He XH.2021. Rhizosphere 5 - shining light on the world beneath our feet.Plant & Soil461: 1-4 (Editorial, doi.org/10.1007/s11104-021-04942-9).
19.Shi SM, Qiu YL, Wen M, Xu X, Dong XS, Xu CY,He XH*.2021. Daytime, not nighttime, elevated atmospheric CO2exposure improves plant growth and leaf quality of mulberry (Morus albaL.) seedlings.Frontiers in Plant Science11:609031 (doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.609031,2021年5月被美国Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)评价为: Valuable to nursery owners for time-of-day elevation of CO2,见https://climate-science.press/2021/05/17/weekly-climate-and-energy-news-roundup-455/和被美国CO2科学组织网站选登,见http://www.co2science.org/articles/V24/may/a3.php.同时,被英国著名科普期刊“Research Outreach”2021年第9期以“Nutrient management strategies for sustainable mulberry plantations”为题择选为亮点研究成果介绍;该期刊每年12期,全球每年介绍~300篇文章.Also referenced by the USA’sCenter for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change,见http://www.co2science.org/articles/V24/may/a3.php).
20.Shi SM, Wen M, Dong XS, Sharifi S, Xie DT,He XH*. 2021. Variations in glomalin-related soil protein inVicia fabarhizosphere depending upon interactions among mycorrhization, daytime and/or nighttime elevated CO2levels.Geoderma404: 115283(doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.115283).
21.Shi SM, Xu X, Dong XS, Xu CY, Qiu YL,He XH*.2021. Photosynthetic acclimation and growth responses to elevated CO2associate with leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in mulberry (Morus multicaulisPerr.).Forests12: 660 (doi.org/10.3390/f12060660,被英国著名科普期刊“Research Outreach”2021年第9期以“Nutrient management strategies for sustainable mulberry plantations”为题择选为亮点研究成果介绍;该期刊每年12期,全球每年介绍~300篇文章).
22.Wang YL, Wang R, Liu B, Guerin‑Laguette A,He XH, Yu FQ*.2021. Non-host plants: are they mycorrhizal networks players?Plant Diversity43: (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pld.2021.06.005) (2021年7月被中国科学院、科技日报‘前沿版’网站及中国主要新闻媒体择选简介,见http://digitalpaper.stdaily.com/http_www.kjrb.com/kjrb/html/2021-08/26/node_6.htm,http://www.cas.cn/syky/202107/t20210716_4798877.shtml,等).
23.Gao JW, Wang F, Ranathunge K, Arruda A, Cawthray G, Clode P,He XH, Leopold M, Roessner U, Rupasinghe, T, Zhong HT, Lambers H.2020. Edaphic niche characterization of four Proteaceae reveals unique calcicole physiology linked to hyper-endemism ofGrevillea thelemanniana.New Phytologist228:869-883 (Cover photo, doi: 10.1111/nph.16833,alsoreferencedina Facebook pageand 4 Policy Citations on 11/08/2022, 09/09/2022, 21/10/2022, and 26/03/2024 by Australian Government agencies).
24.Lu JK*, Li ZS, Yang FC, Wang SK, Liang JF,He XH*.2020. Concurrent carbon and nitrogen transfer between hemiparasiteSantalum albumand two N2-fixing hosts in a sandalwood plantation.Forest Ecology & Management464: 118060 (doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118060).
25.Ge TD*, Luo Y,He XH*.2019. Quantitative and mechanistic insights into the key process in the rhizodeposited carbon stabilization, transformation and utilization of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in paddy soil.Plant & Soil445:1-5(Editorial, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-019-04347-9).
26.Wang F, Gao JW, Shi SM,He XH*, Dai TB*.2019. Impaired electron transfer accounts for the photosynthesis inhibition in wheat seedlings (Triticum aestivumL.) subjected to ammonium stress.Physiologia Plantarum167: 159-172(2019年10月被该刊编辑部择选漫画配图向社会媒体推介, Journal’s Choice Paper with Cartoon Introductions to the Social Network Media in its October issue).
27.ZhuJX, Hu HF, Tao SL, Chi XL, Li P, Jiang L, Ji CJ, Zhu JL, Tang ZY, Pan YD, Birdsey W,He XH, Fang JY*.2017.Carbon stocks and changes of dead organic matterin China's forests.Nature Communications8: 151.DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-00207-1.
28.Shi SM, Chen K, Gao Y, Liu B, Yang X-H, Huang XZ, Liu GX, Zhu LQ,He XH*.2016.Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus species dependency governs better plant physiological characteristics and leaf quality of mulberry (Morus albaL.) seedlings.Frontier in Microbiology7: 1030(2018年6月荣获第七届“梁希青年论文奖”三等奖).
29.Wang YH, Zou CQ, Mirza Z, Li H, Zhang ZZ, Li DP, Xu CL, Shi XJ, Xie DT,He XH, Zhang YQ*.2016. Cost of agronomic biofortification of wheat with zinc in China.Agronomy for Sustainable Development36: 44(2016年9月被法国国家农业研究院博客网站择选配图简介,见https://ist.blogs.inrae.fr/agronomy/2016/09/26/zinc-spraying-on-wheat-is-cheaper-with-pesticides/和2020年3月英国发展研究所(Institute of Development Studies)for a“1 Policy Citation”选介,见https://app.overton.io/document.php?policy_document_id=instituteofdevelopmentstudies-90694d4da61d5b871349b4ae2b65e8d1).
30.Ai C, Liang GQ, Sun JW, Wang XB, He P, Zhou W*.He XH*,2015. Reduced dependence of rhizosphere microbiome on plant-derived carbon in 32-year long-term inorganic and organic fertilized soils.Soil Biology & Biochemistry80: 70-78.
31.Chen YP*, Wang KB, Lin YS, Shi WY, Song Y,He XH*.2015. Balancing green and grain trade.Nature Geoscience8: 739-741(2015年9月被中国科学院网站、科学网网站及中国主要新闻媒体择选简介,见http://www.cas.cn/cm/201509/t20150909_4422098.shtml, http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2015/9/326564.shtm等).
32.Hu FN, Xu CY, Li H*, Li S, Yu ZH, Li Y,HeXH.2015. Particles interaction forces and their effects on soil aggregates breakdown.Soil & Tillage Research147: 1-9 (被欧洲地球科学联合会博客网站择选为2015年“Soil & Tillage Research”期刊引用最多的30篇文章之一,见https://blogs.egu.eu/divisions/sss/2016/08/06/top-30-papers-in-the-top-10-journals-of-the-soil-sciences-category-vii-soil-tillage-research/).
33.Wu HT*, Lu MZ, Lu XG, Guan Q,He XH*.2015. Interactions between earthworm and mesofauna has no significant effect on emissions of CO2and N2O from soil.Soil Biology & Biochemistry88: 294-97.
34.Lu JK, Xu DP, Kang LH*,He XH*.2014. Host-species dependent physiological characteristics of hemiparasiteSantalum albumL. in association with N2-fixing and non-N2-fixing hosts native to southern China.Tree Physiology34: 1006-17.
35.Lu JK, Kang LH, Sprent JI, Xu DP*,He XH*. 2013. Two-way transfer of nitrogen betweenDalbergia odoriferaand its hemiparasiteSantalum albumis enhanced when the host is effectively nodulated and fixing nitrogen.Tree Physiology33: 464-474(Currently referenced in a Facebook page).
36.Zhang HJ, Ding WX*, Yu HY,He XH*. 2013. Carbon uptake by a microbial community during 30-day treatment with 13C-glucose of a sandy loam soil fertilized for 20 years with NPK or compost as determined by a GC-C-IRMS analysis of phospholipid fatty acids.Soil Biology & Biochemistry57: 228-236.
37.Shen WS, Lin XG*, Shi WM, Min J, Gao N,He XH*.2010.Higherrates of nitrogen fertilization decrease soil enzyme activities, microbial functional diversity and nitrification capacityin a Chinese polytunnel greenhouse vegetable land.Plant & Soil337: 137-50 (Referred in a 2018 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ Policy Document: Soil Pollution: A Hidden Reality.Add alsohas1 News Mentionon 01/01/2020bytheComputational & Functional Genomics Group,IndianMinistry of Science and Technology).
38.He XH*, Nara K.2007. Element biofortification: Can mycorrhizas potentially offer a more effective and sustainable way to curb human malnutrition?Trends in Plant Science12: 331-33(被奥地利科学院Marjori Matzke院士推荐为‘必读文献’,见http://facultyopinions.com/prime/1090832).
39.He XH, Bledsoe CS, Zasoski RJ, Southworth D, Horwath WR*.2006. Rapid nitrogen transfer from ectomycorrhizal pines to adjacent ectomycorrhizal and arbuscular mycorrhizal plants in a California oak woodland.New Phytologist170: 143-51(被“New Phytologist”编辑部1次视为当年该刊15篇优秀树木研究前沿创新论文之一(173: 661-663/2007)和另1次视为未来重点论争及期待发表方向(176: 499-501/2007),其主要结果被写入学术名著“Mycorrhizal Symbiosis” [2008年Academic Press (3版), Sally Smith (澳大利亚科学院院士)和David Read爵士(英国皇家学会副主席)编著]. Currently also referenced in 1 Wikipediasite, and in a dozen of locations with details in “Mycorrhizal Networks” [2015 Springer, Thomas Horton编著).
40.Selosse M*, Richard F,He XH, Simard S.2006. Mycorrhizal networks:des liaisons dangereuses?Trends in Ecology & Evolution21: 621-28(Currently referenced in 7 Wikipediasites, 1 Faceboob page,a 2007New PhytologistEditorial174: 225-227 anda dozen of locations with details in “Mycorrhizal Networks” [2015 Springer, Thomas Horton, ed.).
41.He XH*, Critchley C, Ng H, Bledsoe CS.2005. Nodulated N2-fixingCasuarina cunninghamianais the sink for net N transfer from non-N2-fixingEucalyptus maculatavia an ectomycorrhizal fungusPisolithussp. supplied as NH4NO3.New Phytologist167: 897-91295(主要结果及一幅图表被写入学术名著“Plant Physiological Ecology” [2008 Springer (第2版, p420-21), Hans Lambers (澳大利亚科学院院士)、Francis Chapin (美国科学院院士)和Thijs Pons编著], currently also referenced in 1 Wikipediasiteand a dozen of locations with details in “Mycorrhizal Networks” [2015 Springer, Thomas Horton编著).
42.He XH*, Critchley C, Ng H, Bledsoe CS.2004. Reciprocal N (15NH4+or15NO3-) transfer between non-N2-fixingEucalyptus maculataand N2-fixingCasuarina cunninghamianalinked by the ectomycorrhizal fungusPisolithussp..New Phytologist163: 629-40(主要结果及一幅图表被写入学术名著“Plant Physiological Ecology” [2008 Springer (第2版, p420-21), Hans Lambers (澳大利亚科学院院士)、Francis Chapin (美国科学院院士)和Thijs Pons编著], currently also referenced in2Wikipediasitesand a dozen of locations with details in “Mycorrhizal Networks” [2015 Springer, Thomas Horton编著).
43.He XH*, Critchley C, Bledsoe CS.2003. Nitrogen transfer within and between plants through common mycorrhizal networks.Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences22: 531-67(得到Janet Sprent (时任英国生态学会主席)在2005年“New Phytologist”(167: 326-330)和2009年“Legume nodulation, p43”专著上简评, and also referenced in a dozen of locations with details in “Mycorrhizal Networks”.
44.许晨阳,蒲全明,邱玉玲,张跃强,张虹,段顺远,何新华*.2021.养分专家系统推荐施肥提高梨果产量及品质.《植物营养与肥料学报》27(5): 849–857.
45.张璐,何新华*.2020. C3和C4植物的氮素利用机制.《植物学报》55 (2): 228-239.
46.何新华*、段英华、陈应龙、徐明岗.2012.中国菌根研究60年:过去、现在和将来.《中国科学》生命科学42(6): 431-454.
47.张会民、徐明岗*、张文菊、何新华.2009.长期施肥条件下土壤钾素固定影响因素分析.《科学通报》54(17): 2574-80.
48.何新华*,徐维山1995.滇南少数民族农林生态结构多样性与持续发展−以西双版纳傣族自治州傣族为例.《科学对社会的影响》6(4): 39-45.
49.何新华编著.1994.铁的生物无机化学,云南科技出版社(首届云南省学术著作出版基金资助, ISBN 7-5416-0357-O/D.7, 1-240页, 20万字).
College ofForestry,SichuanAgriculturalUniversity
211 HuiminRoad,Wenjiang, Chengdu, Sichuan611130,China