
来源: 2020-09-08 15:43:57







博士研究生,副教授(2020年),2020年被人才引进到乐竞平台,乐竞(中国)工作。本人博士毕业于北京林业大学,师从于尹伟伦院士和夏新莉教授,并且一直从事树木抗逆生理与分子机制研究。近三年,在 New Phytologist、Plant Biotechnology Journal、 Journal of Experimental Botany 、Tree Physiology、Frontiers in Plant Science、Science of the Total Environment等国际主流生物学、林学和生态学期刊上发表SCI论文18篇。






(1)2019-10至2020-4,美国加州大学戴维斯分校,植物科学,博士联合培养,导师:Georgia Drakakaki



2021年11月1日获得 全国博士后论坛优秀墙报奖



2019年The Almond Conference 2019,Sacramento, California;poster报告








担任Tree Physiology, Journal of Hazardous Materials,Frontier In Plant Science,Environmental and Experimental Botany等SCI期刊的审稿人。












1.Fang He , Yu-Jie Shi, Qian Zhao, Kuang-Ji Zhao, Xing-Lei Cui, Liang-Hua Chen, Han-Bo Yang, Fan Zhang, Jia-Xuan Mi, Jin-Liang Huang, Xue-Qin Wan*,Genome-wide analysis and expression profiling of Cation/H+ exchanger (CAX) family genes reveal likely functions in cadmium stress responses in poplar,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2022

2.Fang He , Yu-Jie Shi, Qian Zhao, Kuang-Ji Zhao, Xing-Lei Cui, Liang-Hua Chen, Han-Bo Yang, Fan Zhang, Jia-Xuan Mi, Jin-Liang Huang, Xue-Qin Wan*, Genome-wide investigation and expression profiling of polyphenoloxidase (PPO) family genes uncover likely functions in organ development and stress responses in populus trichocarpa,BMC Genomics, 2021.

3.He F, Zhao Q, Huang JL, Niu MX, Feng HC, Shi YJ, Zhao KJ, Cui XL, Wu XL, Mi JX et al: External application of N alleviates toxicity of Cd on poplars via starch and sucrose metabolism. Tree Physiol 2021.

4.He F*, Shi YJ, Mi JX, Zhao KJ, Cui XL, Chen LH, Yang HB, Zhang F, Zhao Q, Huang JL et al: Genome-Wide Investigation of the NF-X1 Gene Family in Populus trichocarpa Expression Profiles during Development and Stress. Int J Mol Sci 2021, 22(9).

5.He, F.; Niu, M. X.; Feng, C. H.; Li, H. G.; Su, Y.; Su, W. L.; Pang, H.; Yang, Y.; Yu, X.; Wang, H. L.; Wang, J.; Liu, C.; Yin, W.; Xia, X., PeSTZ1 confers salt stress tolerance by scavenging the accumulation of ROS through regulating the expression of PeZAT12 and PeAPX2 in Populus. Tree Physiol 2020.

6.He, F.; Li, H. G.; Wang, J. J.; Su, Y.; Wang, H. L.; Feng, C. H.; Yang, Y.; Niu, M. X.; Liu, C.; Yin, W.; Xia, X., PeSTZ1, a C2H2-type zinc finger transcription factor from Populus euphratica, enhances freezing tolerance through modulation of ROS scavenging by directly regulating PeAPX2. Plant Biotechnol J 2019.

7.He, F.; Wang, H. L.; Li, H. G.; Su, Y.; Li, S.; Yang, Y.; Feng, C. H.; Yin, W.; Xia, X., PeCHYR1, a ubiquitin E3 ligase from Populus euphratica, enhances drought tolerance via ABA-induced stomatal closure by ROS production in Populus. Plant Biotechnol J 2018.

8.TiantianLin#;JiayaoTang#;FangHe#;GangChen ;YujieShi ;XueguiWang ;ShanHan ;ShujiangLi ;TianhuiZhu ;LianghuaChen; 2021. Sexual differences in above- and belowground herbivore resistance between male and female poplars as affected by soil cadmium stress. Sci Total Environ 803: 150081.

9.Shen, C.; Zhang, Y.; Li, Q.; Liu, S.; He, F.; An, Y.; Zhou, Y.; Liu, C.; Yin, W.; Xia, X., PdGNC confers drought tolerance by mediating stomatal closure resulted from NO and H2 O2 production via the direct regulation of PdHXK1 expression in Populus. New Phytol 2021.

10.Hanbo Yang; Guangli Cao;Shijiao Jiang;Shan Han; Chunlin Yang; Xueqin Wan; Fan Zhang;Lianghua Chen;Jiujin Xiao; Peng Zhu;Danju Zhang; Fang He;Wenxi Xing;Identification of the anthracnose fungus of walnut (Juglans spp.) and resistance evaluation through physiological responses of resistant vs. susceptible hosts[J]. Plant Pathology, 2021, 70(5):1219-1229.

11.Yang, Y.; Li, H. G.; Wang, J.; Wang, H. L.; He, F.; Su, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Feng, C. H.; Niu, M.; Li, Z.; Liu, C.; Yin, W.; Xia, X., PeABF3 Enhances Drought Tolerance via Promoting ABA-induced Stomatal Closure by directly Regulating PeADF5 in Poplar. J Exp Bot 2020.

12.Su, W.; Bao, Y.; Lu, Y.; He, F.; Wang, S.; Wang, D.; Yu, X.; Yin, W.; Xia, X.; Liu, C., Poplar Autophagy Receptor NBR1 Enhances Salt Stress Tolerance by Regulating Selective Autophagy and Antioxidant System. Front Plant Sci 2020, 11, 568411.

13.Shao, Y.; Cheng, Y.; Pang, H.; Chang, M.; He, F.; Wang, M.; Davis, D. J.; Zhang, S.; Betz, O.; Fleck, C.; Dai, T.; Madahhosseini, S.; Wilkop, T.; Jernstedt, J.; Drakakaki, G., Investigation of Salt Tolerance Mechanisms Across a Root Developmental Gradient in Almond Rootstocks. Front Plant Sci 2020, 11, 595055.

14.Lu, Y.; Su, W.; Bao, Y.; Wang, S.; He, F.; Wang, D.; Yu, X.; Yin, W.; Liu, C.; Xia, X., Poplar PdPTP1 Gene Negatively Regulates Salt Tolerance by Affecting Ion and ROS Homeostasis in Populus. Int J Mol Sci 2020, 21, (3).

15.Pang, H.; Yan, Q.; Zhao, S.; He, F.; Xu, J.; Qi, B.; Zhang, Y., Knockout of the S-acyltransferase Gene, PbPAT14, Confers the Dwarf Yellowing Phenotype in First Generation Pear by ABA Accumulation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2019, 20, (24), 6347.

16.Su, Y.; Li, H. G.; Wang, Y.; Li, S.; Wang, H. L.; Yu, L.; He, F.; Yang, Y.; Feng, C. H.; Shuai, P.; Liu, C.; Yin, W.; Xia, X., Poplar miR472a targeting NBS-LRRs is involved in effective defence against the necrotrophic fungus Cytospora chrysosperma. J Exp Bot 2018, 69, (22), 5519-5530.

17.Huiguang Li, Yanli Yang, Houling Wang, Sha Liu, Fuli Jia, Yanyan Su, Shuang Li, Fang He, Conghua Feng, Mengxue Niu, Jie Wang, Chao Liu , Weilun Yin and Xinli Xia *. 2021. The Receptor-Like Kinase ERECTA Confers Improved Water Use Efficiency and Drought Tolerance to Poplar via Modulating Stomatal Density. Int J Mol Sci 22(14).

18.Kuangji Zhao1,2, Timothy J. Fahey3, Xiangzhen Wang2, Jie Wang2, Fang He2, Chuan Fan1, Zhongkui Jia2*and

Xianwei Li1*Effect of thinning intensity on the stem CO2efflux ofLarix principis-rupprechtiiMayr. Forest Ecosystems(2021) 8:63

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